
Survival of the Fattest

Created by Dirty Rascal Games

Foraging fun for 1-4 critters using action selection, hand management and unique abilities to survive the winter!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Shipping Update & PAX AUS
3 days ago – Mon, Oct 14, 2024 at 11:50:12 PM



We have a quick shipping update for you.  We are excited to report that all regions should now be just about complete. If you have not yet received your copy of Survival of the Fattest please email us at [email protected] and we will look into it for you. Once again we thank everyone for their patience as we know this did take longer than we had hoped. 


After a massive weekend at PAX AUS we would love to thank everyone that came by to support us and check out Survival of the Fattest. We ran demo games non-stop all weekend and enjoyed getting to meet so many lovely people. It was nice to put faces to names for some of our local backers as well. We are truely grateful for the opportunity PAX AUS gave us and we hope to be able to do more conventions in the future, we had a blast, as did Huni & Bunz!

Spread the Word

It is great to see people getting Survival of the Fattest to the table. If your'e loving the game and want to tag us in your instagram posts, share on our Facebook group or give us a comment and/or rating on BGG, we would love to hear from you! 

Until our next update, 

Thanks for reading, stay safe and keep gaming!

You can find out more about Dirty Rascal Games and Survival of the Fattest on our website or via Facebook and Instagram.

US/CA Fulfilment Update
about 1 month ago – Thu, Sep 12, 2024 at 02:09:14 AM

Hello backers, just wanted to provide a quick update for our US and CA backers who are still patiently waiting for their games...

US/CA Fulfilment
We have been advised that fulfilment will begin on the 16th September. We realise this is later than expected, but after many enquiries into the multiple delays this is the latest schedule provided by our fulfilment partner. We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

We understand that this is frustrating for all (including us). We want to ensure you that everything is in place (and has been for some time) and we are just waiting for our fulfilment partner to begin delivery. We are doing our best to get Survival of the Fattest to you as quickly as possible.

Thanks for reading, stay safe and keep gaming!

You can find out more about Dirty Rascal Games and Survival of the Fattest on our website or via Facebook and Instagram.

Fulfilment update
about 2 months ago – Sun, Sep 01, 2024 at 03:39:52 AM

Hello backers, We just want to keep you updated on our fulfilment progress. Please check below for specifics about your location...

UK, Europe and ROW
UK and most of Europe should be complete, there may still be some deliveries delayed but most backers should havetheir games by now. Rest of world deliveries may take a little longer, packages are being shipped from the UK so may still be in transit for your location.

Australia & New Zealand
Fulfilment is complete, you should all have your games by now. If any backers in Australia or New Zealand are still awaiting delivery, please let us know at [email protected] and we can look into your delivery.

US & Canada
Sorry for the delay. We were hoping to begin fulfilment last week but it took longer than expected for our fulfilment partner to complete the address verification process. This has now been completed and we are just waiting for the fulfilment estimate. As soon as the estimate is approved, fulfilment can begin. We are expecting that to happen this week. Stay tuned for tracking information regarding your delivery.

Our stock took a long time in consolidation with VFI before being shipped out to regional hubs for fulfilment. Unfortunately this took a lot longer than we had hoped and had received very little information about progress despite our best efforts to obtain updates. We have now been informed that stock should be arriving at the regional hubs between 20-25 September and then local fulfilment will begin from there.

If you have any specific questions or concerns regarding your order, please get in touch with us at [email protected] and we will follow it up for you.

Thanks for reading, stay safe and keep gaming!

You can find out more about Dirty Rascal Games and Survival of the Fattest on our website or via Facebook and Instagram.

Progress update on Shipping and Fulfilment
2 months ago – Thu, Aug 08, 2024 at 12:38:26 AM

Hello backers, it's been so exciting seeing the game in hands of those lucky enough to be in the first lot of fulfilment. Thank you for all the great comments, pictures and ratings on BGG! It's amazing to hear that people are enjoying the game and all of the hard work was worth it.

For those that are still waiting patiently to receive their copy, please check below for specifics about your region.

UK, Europe and ROW
Everyone should have received an email to confirm their shipping address and been given the opportunity to update. If you need to update your address and didn't get the confirmation email let us know ASAP as these details have now been locked and fulfilment is imminent. The picking and packing process should be complete early next week and parcels on their way to you by the end of that week. Please share with us when you get your hands on your copy and we'd would love to hear/see how your first games go!  

Australia & New Zealand
Fulfilment should be complete for almost all backers in AU and NZ. Some orders may have experienced a short delay in transit, so don't panic if you don't have it. If you have not received your game, or heard any news about its delivery by the end of the week, please get in touch with us at [email protected] and we'll look into it. Thanks to everyone who has shared their excitement with us directly or on social media, it is very appreciated. If you are enjoying the game, please give us a rating on BGG. If anyone is having any difficulty with rules or have questions, please contact us via email, any of our social media platforms or in the BGG forums and we'll be happy to help you out.

US & Canada
You guys are being amazingly patient, thank you so much for your understanding and we promise your games are not too far away. We have received an update from our shipping partners that US shipment is expected to arrive on the 12th August. From there we expect no more than 2 weeks to get the games to our fulfilment facility and then into your hands as quickly as possible. Keep an eye out for an email from GamesQuest over the next couple of weeks to confirm your shipping address!

Unfortunately there was a delay in getting these orders fulfilled due to a communication error between our fulfilment partner and the distribution hub. This has now been rectified and these orders are progressing again. We expect packaging to be complete by the end of next week, we'll update as we get more information.

Thanks for reading, stay safe and keep gaming!

You can find out more about Dirty Rascal Games and Survival of the Fattest on our website or via Facebook and Instagram.

Shipping and Fulfilment Update
3 months ago – Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 02:26:49 AM

Firstly, we want to thank everyone for their patience as we try and navigate our way through the constantly changing shipping landscape. We can finally say that we have all the shipments on their way, although not as early as we would have hoped. Please check below for the status and estimates for fulfilment in your region.

UK, Europe and ROW
This shipment was delayed approximately 4 days en route and is due to arrive in port on the 18th of July (almost there!). It usually takes about 2 weeks to clear through customs and get the games to the warehouse, then fulfilment can begin.

Australia & New Zealand
Shipment has arrived and fulfilment has begun. You should have received from Let's Play Games (our AU/NZ fulfilment partner) to confirm your shipping address. Most orders should have been dispatched by today and you should be receiving tracking information shortly. If you have arranged for local pickup, you should have received an email from [email protected] to arrange a collection time. If for any reason you haven't been contacted regarding shipment or pickup and you believe you should have, please check your junk/spam first and then contact us at [email protected] to resolve your issue.

We would love you to hear about your experience playing Survival of the Fattest, so please share & tag us in an Instagram or Facebook post!

US & Canada
We finally got our last shipment of games on board! The shipment left China on the 10th July and is due to arrive in port at Cleveland the second week of August. From there it will make its way to our fulfilment partner for distribution. We will provide an updated estimate once we get a bit closer.

This shipment is still with VFI for fulfilment and we are waiting for confirmation of when that will begin. As we receive updates we will keep you informed. 

Thanks for reading, stay safe and keep gaming!

You can find out more about Dirty Rascal Games and Survival of the Fattest on our website or via Facebook and Instagram.